May 4 Update on building accessibility

As the plan to reopen Kansas commences, we are reviewing our policies and procedures.  Our priority is to maintain compliance with State and local plans and to ensure the health and safety of our employees and clients.  We had previously made the internal decision to continue the safer at home order until Sunday, May 17th and this is in-line with Phase 1 of the plan issued by both the Governor and Shawnee County.  Until that time, a vast majority of our work and workforce are remote and our office remains closed to visitors. For our clients, if during this time you must deliver something to us, we still have our secured drop box in place in the foyer and it is accessible 8am-5pm Monday-Friday.  USPS, UPS and FedEx are still delivering packages and we strongly encourage electronic sharing of information through our secure channels.  We will be continually evaluating and communicating our plans for the next phase.  We definitely look forward to seeing you again in person when it is safe for our clients, our staff, and our community!